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CIAOSSU! I'm Wong Yong Chow.
School: Swiss Cottage Secondary School
Birth Date: 27th January 1994
=-=-=-=-=-=-=[THINGS I LIKE:]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[I♥Arsenal F.C]
[I♥Sour stuffs]
[I♥Japanese cartoon/Anime]
=-=-=-=-=-=-=[THINGS I DISLIKE:]=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[Strong Mints]
[Spending Stupid Money]
[Manchester United]
[I Hate You Eugene Kooh ^^]
=-=-=-=-[THINGS I FUCKING HATE:]-=-=-=-=-=

Wishlist .
-Sky Blue/Blood Red contact lenses
-Stylish Sunglasses
-Life time supply of straws
-Dictionary on Japanese -Nice clothing (Size M for shirt, Size S for pants)
-Go for teeth whitening
-Levi's Jeans
(And many many more!)
Shout Corner .
links and credits .

[LoyPuiSoon] [LingYingLi] [XinZhen] [YongYi] [MsJodeeYap] [Victor] [Angie] [Gianna] [ChangFeng] [YingDa] [WanTing] [Geraldine] [LiXian] [XiuMin] [KeYu] [ClarenceTan] [Amalina] [Sandra] [Rebecca] [Jocelyn] [JiaJun] [YiLin] [2e3'08] [Hilda] [ShaoYi] [Bryan] [YungJin]

April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008August 2008September 2008October 2008November 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008 • 11:41 PM
Ok today really REALLY sucks.

Know what? I lost my wallet again. Well, not really lost. It was stolen.

What's worst is that my wallet contains $40, my Ezlink card, my Spade membership and $10 voucher, 2 tickets for Quantum Of Solace and *most important* my mum's credit card!

*Ezlink- $19(remake) + $5(top up)= $24
*2 movie tickets- Thank god I remembered our seating and managed to persuade the staff to let us in.
*My mum's Citi M1 Platinum Premium credit card- My mum had to terminate it and was very very angry >.<

Beside this fucking incident, It was really a bad day. When we want to watch the bond movie, it has only 1 slot : 9.15pm. Lost my wallet. Lost $40. Got a sore thumb from unprotected bowling. Came home late. Mum's pissed. Loan Sharks pour paint at my neighbour's house and that FUCKING OLD GRANDMA AND THAT SON OF THE BITCH KEEP SHOUTING WHEN I WAS BATHING.


Geez pissed,
Turtle >;(
(_l_ fuck you all bastards who ruin my day.)
Thursday, November 20, 2008 • 10:26 PM
Sign... I really envy some people. They got a lot of neighbors and friends. Me? My neighbors are all freaking losers and my only friends are from either Swiss Cottage or Pei Chun. Pity right? =( Holiday it's just me, my PSP, TV or computer. Feel like everyday go out but my empty wallet don't let me to do so. Even if I can go out with would be couple of the usual people I hang out with. I can't even find a partner to play badminton with. I lived too far away from others. T-T Since I will be very bored in the holidays I figure I should do something useful. So I decided to have a job. I did find one eventually =) My god father hired me for a month, starting December. So yah... I matured abit :)

Go Go Power Ranger,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 • 11:41 PM
Hm... When I was taking my afternoon nap today, I suddenly thought of the needs for secondary 3.
I keep thinking and thinking of what I need and what I should do. Now I shall identify the problems and solutions.

1) Problem: Sec 3 need do pull ups and no longer incline pull ups.

-Solution: Do 100 or more push ups a day. So by the time NAFA arrives I will be doing like... 100 X 148 = 14800 push ups minimum. Now If that ain't enough I don't know what to say ;l

2) Problem: My classroom will be located further away.

-Solution: Come to school earlier in order to have time to climb more flight of stairs.

3) 100% I will have cash flow problems.

-Solution: During recess I will bring my own food. More nutritious, tastier and practically free. I could save urm... $2 a day? But hey I will not cross the line: I ain't going for a diet, I am just trying to save money. If it is going to be a long day, lunch is a must. So yah I know what I am doing.

4) Most of the time I will have to stay back for extra lessons, CCAs or some other crap. It will be a toll on my health and free time.

-Solution: Health to me is very important. Health is taking care of your skin, your intake needs and rest. Now for skin I will use Clean&Clear to wipe off the oil from my face and use a face cream to clean off impurities. Meanwhile I can take some mouth wash. For intake needs, I will be having food that can last me till dinner. Foods like potato, rice, noodles, anything carbohydrate. In class I could chew on some sweets to keep me going. (I make sure I won't be found out) Lastly, I will rest when I have time: While waiting for the damn teacher I will rest. While waiting for others to finish their classwork I will rest.

Now I am not sure if all of these will work out so... cross my fingers.

Im coming Sec 3,
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 • 11:47 PM
Ah... I knew I had forgotten something. Thanks Jocelyn for "reminding me".

On Xiu Ming's birthday we took some photos. I didn't put them here ._.

I'M SINNED#$%^ Never mind I shall make it up now.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Woodland MacDonald-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=

(Birthday cake: Black Forest)

(Posing #1) (Posing #2)
[Boy (more like ninja) meets Girl]
(The Wind Blows)
(Cutting Cake: The nicest picture in my opinion ^^)(Totally Random Guy)
• 12:39 AM
Ok... I think I have a serious problem.

My chat box seems dead.

I don't think most of the people I knew bother to come to my blog.

Not because I didn't post anything

Just that nobody cares.

Well you don't care about my blog, I will.

Time to get some viewership man!
Sunday, November 16, 2008 • 12:12 AM
Today is the day which is very troublesome. Had to remake my Ezlink cause I've lost it >.> I was happily eating my chicken rice when suddenly Qi Jiang called. Say want meet him at Admiralty MRT talk talk. I say give me 40 minutes, but he said he is starting work at 3p.m. which is 1h 15 minutes away.

I choing through my chicken rice (didn't enjoy it T-T), go bath (anyhow scrub), blow dry my hair (no time to wax), pack my PSP, hand phone, wallet with cash, uniform and tie into my bag and rushed out of the house while drinking my fruit juice. Had to pay for my own trip as I have no Ezlink yet =( Then at the MRT I keep thinking I had forgotten something. Then I realised I didn't bring the copy of my birth cert! GAAAAAH @#$%^ When I reached I didn't see Qi Jiang so I went to collect my $1 deposit. I sat at a wall and waited for him. Suddenly he appeared. Really don't look like him! His hair is wet, wearing glasses and wearing football tee. Then he told me he had a tournament in street soccer. We went to MacDonald and had a little chat. Talked about Rivario and work. Then he help me wax my hair. Thanks bud.

Not long after his boss called saying his here to fetch him. We parted and I went to take passport size photos. Waited a bloody long 30 minutes and paid $8 for half a size of A4 paper. Seesh what a rip off. I took the train back to Yishun to collect my birth cert. Then I went to Ang Mo Kio to make my Ezlink. Need sign a lot of signatures, like a boss ^^ But seriously, $19 is abit over the top yah. Well, my new card has a nicer picture and a shiner look. Went home and slept.

Boring holiday,
Friday, November 14, 2008 • 8:40 PM
Suddenly Im freaking pissed with everything that happened this year. Im gonna list them out and make you people feel like bastards.

1) Chang Feng:
-When lim bei is ordering photo, you don't snatch them away from me and say I got attitude problem.
-You ain't my fucking boss, your just 1 year older then me.
-Your such an extra, seriously. You barged into our class outing without our permission. You "took charge" of the bbq and fucking pissed me off.
-Don't think your damn mature. Truth is: your still a fucking kid. Think your jokes very funny when people "laughed" at it? No they just go along with you stupid.

2) Eugene Kooh:
-You don't go around and find trouble. Im kind enough not to bash your face on several occasion.
-There is no such rule as " you hit me first so I hit you back." Even if there's such a rule, you apply them to yourself asshole.
-Don't be a fucking extra and try to hang out with people whom don't want you around.
-NO means NO!
-Those people that talked to you got nothing better to you so... don't think they change their opinion on you.
-For god sake: SHARE! You don't own everything you know?
-Get the difference between playing and getting serious.

3) Wang Xin: (Not to a deep extend, just pointing out)
-You don't go around making fun of people's appearance. So what if I've got a tail. Does that mean im naughty?
-You don't go around and say what you feel like saying. Think you say a person's really weird makes it funny?
-You don't order around people like you own them. Treat them like a friend, not a "lower class" dog. See Xiao Wen, does she ever ordered us around? She ask the class with respect.

4) Wang Xiu Fang: (FUCK YOU BITCH)
-You are stupid. You only know Chinese and that's it.
-Don't you dare make fun of your class by saying we should go to normal technical. Firstly, your saying that NT students are stupid. Mind you that they know BOTH English AND Malay. 2:1 so fuck off.
-Don't brag that you have taught in an International School for 10 years and you met all kinds of people. You can't even tell the difference between truth and lie.
-Get some new clothes you only have a handful of them to wear.
-Want to call my parents arh? No problem! You will be calling your own doom cause they wanted to complain about you.
(I've alot of things to say but I can't list them out. Be thankful)

Those on top are some of the people that pisses me off the most. Now you are wonder why Rivario Savio, Wee Woon Wayne, Zhong Qi Jiang, Lim Jun Yuan, Roy How Yi Shen and Foo Ze Ling ain't stated in my "most pissed-off" list. Well, I know that whatever they are saying is just a joke. They don't mean it and Im serious. "The best jokes are the ones that are the truth."

Peach Out,
Turtle ^^
• 12:48 AM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 • 12:14 AM
It was her birthday dated on 10th November. Me, Ze Ling, Shermin, Jocelyn, Min Jee, Qi Jiang, Rivario and Keyu decided to celebrate Xiu Ming's birthday with her. We were suppose to meet at Marsiling MRT station at 12.30p.m. I arrived 10 minutes later and im surprised that im the first to arrived. Then I loiter around then suddenly see the girls there. Then Ze Ling arrived. We two play PSP while waiting for Qi Jiang and Rivario. Stupid Keyu go spray the snow-like stuff around me and my hair and PSP got ruin. Then I told her to spray more on my hair so it does not look like dandruff. o.O We wait and wait... until 1.30p.m. the two guys still never appeared. I ask Shermin why so long. She said Rivario by right should be around Kranji but he forgot the PRESENT -.- He had to go back home, take the present, take taxi to the MRT and meet at Woodlands. Then I ask about Qi Jiang. She say he at CITY HALL -.-" Finally at 2p.m. we decided to go to Cause Way Point where Xiu Ming is meeting us. While backing my bag, Min Jee dropped my PSP ON THE CONCEIT FLOOR!>:() ! @#$%^&* When we went up to the platform we saw Rivario~ His face like tio sunburn or something.

At Causeway Point we saw Xiu Ming the Birthday girl! She looks beautiful ^^ Yaah then I gave her my present contributed by me, Ze Ling and Jun Yuan. Then we go to MacDonald to take our lunch while waiting for Qi Jiang. We took some pictures and keep koping the chocolate on the cake. Then, trouble emerged ;l We don't have a lighter to light up the candles. Keyu asked the staff if they have a fire starter but she say no with a guai lan face. Then the girls decided to try and find a lighter. Meanwhile me and Ze Ling play PSP. After sometime the girls came back. They found a shop they sells lighters at $1.30 Rivario sponsor of course. Finally Qi Jiang arrived. Ze Ling ask him if Singapore very big cause it took him so long to arrive here. I joined in and said " City Hall got 4 trains nia~" LOL lame ^^ We light the candles and sing the "Happy Birthday" Song. Everyone looking at us ^-^V Cut cake time! Rivario anyhow cut, uneven :x Cake from Begawa-whatever sucks. There's too much cream on the black forest cake and the blueberry looks like something I rather not say.

After eating the cake, Rivario LEFT! I was like wtf? I ask Shermin why he going so fast. She said he go out with his friends to play basketball _l_ -_-" _l_ Then the rest of the people go arcade play. I play my gun games until arm ache >.<>

Happy Joyous Occasion Xiu Ming,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 • 11:09 PM
Phew ~ Took 1 month break from blogging. Im back <3>

Alot of things happened during these few days.

Had CIP at Chua Chua Kang Community center for Halloween on 31th October. Had alot of fun. Just that I flost my freaking wallet... My EZ link and 15 $2 notes ($30) flew away T-T.

Today I went to Bugis with Jun Yuan. Bought alot of clothes. From Spade and FreshBox (Just beside Sex Life: Entry only to 23 and above). I also bought a wallet from The Wallet Shop and a HeadPhone. Spend $250 o.O

Tomorrow Having BBQ!
Thursday, October 2, 2008 • 10:41 PM
Today is the 6th paper: Chinese Paper 2. Woke up as usual in the wee hours and slept in the MRT. First thing I saw was Shermin. That shocked me ;l Walked and talked to school together. Haha that killed some boredom and coldness. Since it was "going" to rain the school cancel the morning assembly and we had it in class. Then after the song the prefect ask the form teachers to say the pledge. LOL Mr.Teng was like so funny. Some idiot started the ball rolling as usual. "It takes a spark to start a fire" that's the phrase I used to say ;p The express Chinese paper was 1h 30 minute while the higher Chinese paper is 2h. It was so easy, I did the first page MCQ in 10 seconds! I took 15 minutes to read and understand 3 passages and slept in class for 15 minutes, which means I finish the whole writing part in 30 minutes. AWESOME <3>

Good luck for Maths Paper 1 tomorrow,
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 • 4:43 PM
Happy Children's day and Selamat Hari Raya!

Yesterday was Geography paper. My wost worried subject cause I don't understand alot of stuffs ._. Halfway when doing the paper, the primary school beside us was celebrating children's day. They sang the children song in Malay and the dumb small brats keep cheering like siao. From my classroom can hear sia. The Geography paper... I have a lot of doubts. My writing wasn't smooth. Keep pausing to think what to write. Took me 1h 45minutes to finish eveything and 15 minutes to double check. In the end my palm got the "snake bite" mark again -.- Unlike History my writing was smooth and it just took me 1h 30 minutes to complete, 15 minutes to double check and the rest of the time I slept in class. Geez went home straight afterwards. After eating lunch I slept from 2p.m. to 6.30p.m. Gosh am I really that exhausted from the dumb Geography paper alone? At night couldn't sleep. Went to bed at 2a.m. YAAAAAWN ~.~

Today holiday yet cannot go out,
Monday, September 29, 2008 • 1:06 PM
Today is the 3rd paper: Literature! So worried about this one >.<> HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEYU! Went down the quadrangle for morning assembly and started the paper at 7.43a.m. For section A I chose question 2. The one about "Television" and "Television People". Not bad luh wrote more that 1000 words I guarantee that. The unseen was easy. Thanked god this paper was nothing comp aired to Mr.Yong's.

The usual gang went to West Mall again. Actually I wanted to buy the converse cap for Keyu's birthday but that damn Wan Ting say I extra cause she wanted to buy for her too with the rest of the other people. Then I went to the Koren shop beside KouFu and Keyu liked the Koren style chopsticks and spoon. So I though of buying it. Had breakfast/lunch at KouFu. After that I solo go buy her the type liked. When I give her she was so happy and keep saying thank you. SMS me somemore. If want thank me at least give me a hug. LOL ^^ While the rest wanted to go Keyu's house to study geography I went home with Ze Ling. Wayne cracked a joke and ask Keyu if got bed in her house. Must me masterbed somemore. Joker siak. When home, bath and sleeped.

Good Luck for tomorrow's paper,

(This post is soooooo cut short from my usual stuff)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 • 10:09 PM
27th September 2008:


H A P P Y 14 TH B I R TH D A Y !

Yours sincerely,
Monday, September 22, 2008 • 5:08 PM
Woo! First paper of exams! Today is English Paper 1 and Paper 2 :) Went to school early again. Played PSP and revision on the formats for letter writing and exposition. The first 1h 45 minute was letter writing and exposition. Kinda easy luh. Wrote about 600 words for each piece. Then during break the class throw paper balls at each other again. Some went down to makan while some remain in class play PSP or chit chat. After the break we had English paper 2. The comprehension I just took 1h 15 minutes to complete. Halfway while doing I was wondering if im doing too fast cause I finish all the questions except summary in 1h. Then I keep staring and staring at the clock for darn 15 minutes. Completed the crap 4-paragragh-search summary and sleep ^^

After the exams were over the usual gang went to Macdolnald to makan. Wan Ting and Jocelyn keep cracking crap jokes. Me, Jun Yuan, Wayne and Ze Ling are playing with food and the couple keep sweet talk. I said something so funny. Instead of saying "Huo Jian" (Rocket), I said "Huo Ji" (Fire balls)! LOL I laugh until I dropped some of my fries on the floor. After eating, besides Rivario and Xiu Ming (They want to revise on school work), the rest of us went to West mall to buy a birthday present for Rivario. The girls wanted to buy a basket ball for him so we went to Converse, Sports Link and some other shop. They cannot decide and we walked up down up down up down up down -.- Leg pain. Then at one shop there's an old man and I though I was blocking him so I moved away. Then he walked to Shermin and Jocelyn. Jocelyn though she blocking him so he zhao one side. Suddenly the old man sort of like hug Jocelyn, giggled and walked off. Me and Shermin though Jocelyn tio raped. Then she tell us that old man is her lim bei -.- Lol If she really tio raped I want to chase after him and beat him up. Then get award from police and sell the trophy in EBAY for cash! LOL LOL LOL. In the end didn't buy anything. Went home on MRT with Shermin. After chatting with her I know her slightly better. Bathed, slept ed and studied.

Tomorrow no exam!....(?)
Sunday, September 21, 2008 • 8:32 PM
Ah sorry for not updating for quite some time. Was revising for SA2 nia ~.~ I promise tomorrow I post. Ok?

Good luck for Comprehension and Compo tomorrow,
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 • 4:27 PM
Today I woke up especially early to cook some french toast. I left house early plus my bag very light today :D Then when I was waiting for the train to arrive, the clouds suddenly moved and I saw the moon! A FULL MOON! Not as bright as mid-autumn but still nice ^^ In the train, surprisingly it ain't cold so I slept very well. Went to school do and had assembly at the quadrangle. It was one of the shortest assembly this month. Finally that Liu bastard stopped talking so much for once. First 2 period was geography. Did nothing much but highlight and highlight and highlight.

Next 2 periods was PE. Changed into my sports leader shirt and went down to the car park. Played throwing balls again -.- Today 2e3 very obedient! Give yourself a round of applause! (Clap) (Clap) While we had only 2 courts so 4 team can play at a time. Me and another group waited first. Then Jing Kai did sick actions to Shermin and Keyu. Shermin keep aum chio, bet she's thinking about what Jing Kai said. Keyu played scissors paper stone with Jing Kai. If Jing Kai win, he will pester Keyu forever. If Keyu wins, Jing Kai will never pester her again in her entire life. The game was intense and Keyu lost. Haha she was so fed up. When my group play with Rivario, they anyhow play. Instead of catching we played DODGE BALL! Rivario and Wayne tio the most.

During recess ate my self-cooked french toast and drank some vitamins drinks. I wanted to refill my bottle but got a lot of people so I waited. The those irritating dumb retarded keep filling up the line to drink water or refill their crap bottles. Damn fed up. The rest of the lessons were freaking bored. I managed to hold up for 2h. After the last 2 periods I dropped dead. Slept for a full hour. Sooo shoik ~.~ After school went to the PE staff room for the logistic thingy. I ask what is logistic, then Ms nuri-something say is pump ball. -.- Went to the Pe room and dump out all the punctured/flat balls and used a machine to re-air it. So lame -.- And Charmaine can slap harder than Yan Ying >.<>

Boring Wednesday,
Monday, September 15, 2008 • 3:51 PM
zZz... don't feel like waking up this morning. I wanted to cook my breakfast but my house no bread, no egg no rice so I just walked out. Didn't make it for my usual train so waited another damn 8 minutes. Worst still the train no seats and it was freezing cold. Walked to school and sneezed a few times. Then suddenly, it drizzled and the cold wind blow. I quickly walked to school but my whole shirt wet and my hair messy. Well at least no need to go to the quadrangle for assembly. In class Wang Xiu Fang came into our class and I scolded some vulgarities but she don't understand. Funny luh^^ First period was maths. Nothing much but the combination of wind and the fan really makes me freezing. Next period was ET. Since it was raining and there's examination in the hall we don't need to run. Instead we stayed in class and do a reflection on how the ET builds your character. Of course I wrote crap. Jing Kai damn swaay. He said fuck so loud that Mr Michale punish him write 2 pages of "I must not speak vulgarities again" and had to see him after school at 2.30p.m. So poor thing :( After that was Geography. Same as usual, don't understand a crap ;l

During recess I play Li Peng's PSP and make fun of Eugene's "bridge". Played with fthe spray can too. Thanks Yiray for giving me the Kaya bun :D After recess was Literature. Since Mr.Yong in re service, Miss Chee came in. Jing Kai damn pervet, say her breast quite big -.- Anyway our class bully her luh. Next period was English. Mr Yao's marathon lessons were FREAKING BORING. My eyes wanted to close but my willpower forced me up. After enduring his 3 period lesson it was finally the last 2 period. Wang Xiu Fang came in and gave us a maths paper 1 and wanted us to hand up by 1.10p.m. Roy and I made fun of her again! Then at 12.40p.m. Me, Jun Yuan, Ze Ling, Qi Jiang, Yi Lin, Angie, Yung Jin, Yan Ying, Jing Kai, Wan Ting, Yun Xin(I think) and Wayne went down to AVA 1 for a dumb survey. I anyhow do and we returned to class and completed the maths paper 1.

Went home alone T_T When I was walking halfway my phone no battery. I was so freaking bored I slept in the train. ALMOST overslept -.- Had my lunch and watch some anime. I was freaking pissed with my sister. You know why? Around June my PSP spoil plus my memory card lost so I wanted to go repair and buy new 8gb memory card. My sister say she got lobang and help repair for free and buy the memory card cheaper. Then up till now she haven return. Last week she say last week but didn't return. Then I ask her today she say by this week. I was FUCKING PISSED and I tell her that she is not reliable at all. Then she say you can forget about getting back your PSP. 4 MONTHS I HAVE WAITED! 4 MONTHS! If it was 1-2 month I don't care, but 4 months? Cheebye sia I could have spend some extra money and do the stuffs by myself so by now I would be happily playing my red PSP and won't feel left out! Other people's sibilings so reliable and helpful but mine? Got own family still no responsible and don't think for other.

Greatly pissed,
Friday, September 12, 2008 • 9:23 PM
Woo finally last day till weekends! In the morning I cooked some friend rice and left home with my bridge, spray cans and my badminton racket. Cannot sleep in the Mrt cause I scared my bridge will be damaged. When I walk to school I yawn and yawn and yawn. Too sleepy nia ~.~ In class see people way DJ Max then wen to the quadrangle for assembly. Damn boring sia but near the ending suddenly it rained! Everyone was like "ohhh", "fuck". Everyone is stuck in the rain cause some dumb guy still make announcement. Was quite wet and cold ._. First two period was literature. Went through the literature test paper. So hard sia no one got A1. Some poeple did quite badly and I think im one of them. :( Next two period was my most hated: Chinese. Same as usual my teacher damn fucked and ugly.

After her stupid lessons was recess! Had my fried rice but so many people kope. See people play PSP and I love Rivario's new bronze-PSP Slim! Left 10 minute before D&T Me and Jun Yuan went down makan cause we are feeling cold. At canteen see so many 2e3 people just came down makan. Lol me don't care if we late. Went back to class take our bride. Then then at class no body went to the D&T room and we are like 10 minutes late? WE 2E3 ARE ZAI <3>

After school, it was raining so didn't go down play badminton. Then I decided to move the tables and chairs to play. Played with Roy, Jun Yuan and Jing Kai. Lol it was fun playing in suck an enclosed room. Keep hitting the walls, ceiling and the dumb fan. Jing Kai so poor thing. Roy hit his shutter cork out of the window. He freaking mad. LOL! Finally the raining stopped so we went down play. As expected Jing Kai so pro he caught most of the shots I send and he keep smacking. He damn lucky that my arm pain cannot smack so hard. After like 2.40p.m. Roy went home and we three went back to class and rest. Bought apple alovera. ^^ Then I played with Jing Kai in the classroom. SUPER FUN! More fun that outside. Because it is small area so we play fast ball. Haha sometimes so fast until cannot even see the thing. Jun Yuan joined in and we used the chairs as a tennis net. Play and play until 4.p.m. and went home by Mrt.

At home I bathed and straight away slept from 6.30p.m. to 7p.m. My father lah kaobei insist I do homework even though I tell him I tired and tomorrow I do. Did my Chinese and tuition maths. Studied for 2h before watching nanny daddy. At 10p.m. I used the comp and started blogging. My eyes closing ...zZz I think is time to sleep now. Chow!

Gambatte for SA2,
Monday, September 8, 2008 • 4:13 PM
Today I had a hard time getting up -.- Still in holiday mood. I cooked some friend rice for today's recess. Don't know why I've got this urge ;l Took the Mrt and walked to school in the cold morning. Feeling so sad, no moon :( In class see Ze Ling playing DJ Max then it's off to assembly at the quadrangle. Talked about hair with my gang. I wish I had grow faster at this pace my side burn back won't be nice. Went back to class and emo ._. Since Mr Teng in reservice Madam Low took his place. Did some data statics then it's off to ET. While changing every time we crack jokes. ET didn't run fast, was chatting with Jun Yuan and Wayne behind. Qi Jiang was tired from working and ran slowly. Rivario fake stomach pain and didn't run. Wayne guai lan me so I direct him to a pole. He not happy and scratch my back. My skin ripped off and it was painful >.<

Next was Geography. Most of my class not happy with Tamara. Half the class failed the ca2 and even those people like Li Xian didn't score well. Our results were based on that dumb single piece of worksheet. That worksheet we only got like only 45 minute or less so we all anyhow do. That's why our results of bad. Other class included a test paper, which is freaking easy. I only get like 63? Why Tamara cannot put VR or use our class test. Expect us to agree on this unfairness? Please lah use your brain. On behalf of our class, kaninabu chao cheebye! _l_ Finally it was recess. Changed into my uniform and ate my friend rice. Turned cold but still tasty. Jun Yuan, Wayne and Qi Jiang tempeted to eat. After recess Mr Yong came in. He told us that he will be in reservice next week and the Coral reading will be postpone to next friday with the new teacher. Good news sia :p After Mr.Yong left Mr Yao came in. His good morning speech is like crap. He spell out: "G O O D M O R N I N G C L A S S". Then eveyone spell out : "G O O D M O R N I NG M R Y A O". Dumb sia -.- His lesson is like shit and bored. Since Ezikal (I think) gone, he will be replacing her for English too, which is 1 1/2h of crap. I fall asleep sia. It's like I could die of bordness. Finally when he left I went to toilet with Rivario. Felt fresh after washing up my dead face. When I went back up, Madam Low was in the class giving us a surprise test. It was open book but no calculator. I was like pissed off today. It was pretty easy though. Went back home with Jing Kai and slept in the train. Yawn...

Tomorrow Rivario, Jun Yuan, Jing Kai and Wei Ming coming to my house to do the Literature project. Rivario sun bian make his teeth.

Hope tomorrow ain't crappy,
Sunday, September 7, 2008 • 7:51 PM
Happy 50th post anniversary!

Yesterday I had my second league at Jurong Superbowl. Woke up at 7.30a.m. and did my daily stuff. I gathered my equipment and head for the Mrt. I waited at the counter for like 5 minutes and Gianna and Jia Jun arrived. Then we took the yellow line to Jurong East. In the train I brought along my portable DVD player and watched Crayon Shinja with Gianna. I keep laughing at Jia Jun cause he look like a dork ;p Crack alot of jokes along the way. We from Jurong East take taxi sponcered by Jia Jun to Superbowl. At the bowling alley saw Clarence, his dad and Jia Ren. After leaving my stuff we three headed to the Macdolnald for breakfast. I ask Gianna what she want to makan she answered: "I want ice cream!" -.- I old her morning eat Ice Cream will become fat. Then she asked for a fish burger. I ordered 2 harshbrowns and a cup of coffee. We took a seat and started to makan. Jia Jun loking at something and like some dork again ^^ He keep giving Gianna some herb sweets and water so I ask why. He said that Gianna got cough. I immediatly put down her burger and take it away. How can she lie to me man. Got cough still eat these type of food. She say no more liao so I return to her the fish burger. Suddenly Clarence's dad came in and told me to hurry as the practise throw is going to start. Jing Kai also messaged me so I gobble my food and bring my coffee along. While walking met Mr.Diamian. He also told me to hurry. I changed into my shoes, put on a skin patch and wipe my ball.

The league started and it sucks man. I only had like 3 practise throw. No time to hit corner pins. Some more beside us is ACS Independent. Our neighbour is Medolist Girls. They damn freaking noisy. Miss strike spare make funny noises. My first game sucks luh 94 only -.- Only Jing Kai owning cause it's his turf. He get over 200. What the hell ;l My second game not bad 151. Thanks to Clarence's dad give me good advices. The ACS also very noisy plus their parents behind keep cheering like siao. Ya while waiting to write our scores in the sheet, I went to Gianna there. The first thing she ask is : How's Jai Ren doing? Then she told me to tell him look at his phone. I look then it received 4 messages. (The picture is clear). Thanks uncle for buying us lemon tea ^^ The third game sucks as my injury became worst. In the end we got trashed. Nevermind luh I don't care.

After the league Clarence's dad long bang eveyone except Jing Kai to Bukit Batok Mrt. Jia Jun went home while Gianna, Jia Ren and me went to food court makan. Then we decided to find a birthday present for our Senior Yan Ying. We went high and low but West Mall got nothing much. I walked witht the trolly bag until my hand sore. Finally we gave up and went home.

It was a fun day with my friends,
Saturday, September 6, 2008 • 4:06 PM
Yesterday I had an appointment at 11.30a.m. with Jia Ren to play bowling at CSC. My alarm sound and I woke up at 8a.m. Seeing it's early I went back to sleep. The next thing when I woke up it was 11.a.m. I rushed to brush my teeth, change my clothes, packed my stuff, comb my hair and set off to Bukit Gombak. Then I walked all the way to CSC. In the bowling alley, I saw Jing Kai, Clarence and Clarence's dad. Few minutes later Jia Ren walked in. We started to bowl. Clarence's dad gave me alot of good tips: Release the ball nearer to me; Bend my knee; Use a new angle. Since then my shots more consistent. Suddenly I realised that I had league tomorrow at Jurong Superbowl with Jing Kai, Clarence and Jie Ren. During the third game, my middle finger spill blood and im too injured to play on, so I stopped. The blood keep coming out. Aw it was painful :( But the bleeding stopped and dried up after some time. Me and Jing Kai went to the "Cafe In The Woods" and ordered a plate of pineapple rice with chicken floss and a plate of Char Kui Diao. (I think) Then I at one corner play PSP. After that we paied up and Clarence's day long bang me and Jing Kai to the MRT. From there I went to buy subway for me and my brother-in-law's lunch. First thing I did after I went home is to put on a plaster on my finger. Around 7.30p.m. Gianna called up. She say meet up at the Yishun Mrt counter as I don't know how to go to the Superbowl. I told her I can find my way but she insisted. Oh well ;l I hope that I do well tomorrow. ^^

My finger hurts,
Thursday, September 4, 2008 • 10:43 PM
Ciaossu. Haiz today is yet another boring day :( Why holiday like this. First thing in the morning take care of my nephew until my maid came back from market. He so noisy siak ~.~ Then had maths tuition for 2 hours. After that I had char siew rice with roasted pork and extra sause. Yummy ^^ Next I went to surf the net. I was so bored I went back to habbo.sg to see what is going on. When I just log in, most of my friends that were in my friend lists immediately say: "TS! (TurtleSoup) YOUR BACK!" Haha Im sure is famous <3 I decoratedd a room for me and Pui Soon and configurated my habbo group page and badge. The rest of the day passes like my gas... When my mother came home she was freaking mad. I found out that few days ago I was playing with my nephew and asked him to pick some numbers for 4D: 4197. My mother go buy. Thoday the results came out, you know what is the first prize numbers? 4195! You know what is the second prize numbers? 4196! Haha like that $4000 fly away. Me and my nephew got magic powers but not strong enough to win 4D. Hehe...

Tomorrow playing bowing at CSC with Jing Kai, Clarence, his dad and Jia Ren. Hope to have fun!

Holiday ending soon :(
Sunday, August 31, 2008 • 7:17 PM
First day of holiday and Im already sick of it. Had to sleep real late because my nephew cried until 2a.m. Had to carry him and feed milk. Woke up around 1p.m.? My dark rings damn obvious. I used the computer and stared at the screen cause nothing to do. I wanted to post a blog entry but I simply have no mood to do so I just make a new post and saved it for editing later. I wanted to play games but no one play with me. My PSP spoil, my Ps2 games outdated and my nephew keep crying -.- I checked for new blog skins but after 2h none of them suits my style. The day continues and I decided to sleep.

What a fucking boring day,
• 10:22 AM
Woke up at 8a.m. and took a hot shower cause morning cold ._. Had breakfast and left the house at 9a.m. Took the Mrt to Somerset. So squeezy and cold ~.~ When I reached the outside saw a 7-11 store so I decided to buy a bottle of water and a Apple Soy Joy Bar. I met some of my peeps at the staircase with Miss Lam with a group of sec ones making balloon sculptures. I went to my group, consisting of me, Jun Yuan, Wan Xin and Shao Yi. We decided to take 4 elmos and 2 caterpillar and headed to Nee Ann city A.K.A Takashimaya. Our minimum requirement is $30. 1 elmo costs $10 and a catipilar cost $5. At first the start was rough cause none of us want to approach people buy. Then Jun Yuan started the ball rolling, though unsuccessful. I had a plan: me and Jun Yuan would be 1 group while the girls be in another and we camped along a stretched of road full with people and tried our luck. Unfortunaltly no one buy :( So we decided to walk one whole round around Orchand's shopping centers including Istena, Wishma Atia, Far East Center, OG and many more. When we were about to give up, I approached one person and he bought an elmo! Yay we were so happy. The suddenly at the same spot we sold another 2 elmos! Our moral boosted alot, especially ShaoYi. All the way, it was ShaoYi who asked people to buy our stuff. Along the way we saw along of interesting people: A woman with beautiful golden blonde hair; A Japanese kid with an awesome hairstyle; 2 people dressed in the SoyJoy outfit and give out free SoyJoy bars.

After 45 minutes of walking, we sold eveything except a defective elmo with a punctured part, so we went back to the Mrt to restock. Yah we took 4 dogs that cost $2 each, 2 catipilars, an elmo and 3 handmade key chains worst $5 each. This time, we walked the opposide direction so we would end up at Takashimaya at the end of the day. Sales were harder now as there are 3 classes selling balloons all over Orchad now. The dogs were sold really fast. The only things left were the key chains and the catipilars. We walked and walked but no one bought them cause I think too expensive >.<>Damn I want one of those... Ya never mind :( When we reached Takashimaya we could not sell the remainding stuff. It was 1p.m. and we worked for 3 hours? So we decided to have lunch at Takashimaya. For the first time I went to the basement that Jun Yuan recommended. The girls went off to buy their own stuff while me and Jun Yuan toured the basement. It was awesome there's cold storage, Papa cream puff, Takoyaki, Cookies, Chocolates, Cakes, Sticky rice, Raman, Udon and many more Japanese stuffs. Jun Yuan went to cold storage and bought a carton of cranberry/pomegranate juice while I bought 2 boxes of octopus TakoPachi; 1 for me, 1 for Jun Yuan. Then later he recommended the famous cream puff. Freaking delicious! The cream as smooth as milk and the puff is crunchy. Then for desert I came across the shop " Cookie Man" and I bout 200g of Chocolate chip cookies for $6. Everyone gather at the fountain and ate their stuff. ~.~ So yummy. Just in front of us was the Mid-Autumn moon cake fair. Jun Yuan went in and sample stuffs. LOL. We stayed there until 2p.m. and continued our sales. Met Rivario's group. They only managed to earn $24. By right they have $31 as some dumb people bought the dog for $10. They use the remaining money and bought ice cream. What the hell >:(

Me and Jun Yuan bored of selling so we stayed with Rivario, Xiu Ming and Wayne outside the Power supply building. Played PSP there. Later Xiu Ming's little sister appeared and played with Rivario. Seriously Rivario is very good at taking care of children. Then later Rivario played a pranked on her by taking her water bottle and ran away. The little girl cried of couse. Then Rivario run all the way back and comfort her. It didn't work so Rivario went to famous amos and bought cholocate for her. Lmao. Later it rained and my group can go home. Wayne cannot decide to take bus or Mrt. So I loan him $2 take Mrt. He keep arguing that green line faster and red line is for poor people. Then we tried to enter the train going to Marina side but cannot enter cause too crowed. The we walked along the rain like a retarted. He no choice but to follow me, Jun Yuan and Wei Ming. Then suddenly he slapped me, I slapping him back with quite alot of force. Lol eveyone in the train looked at us. Wayne's hurting man xD Cracked alot of jokes and alighted at Yishun. Went home and bath, traveled to the bottle tree park and ate dinner, came back and blog. It was a really fun day luh ^^

Holidays are here!
Saturday, August 30, 2008 • 12:47 AM
Lol Teacher's Day is kinda weird. Morning went to class see Ze ling and Li Peng play DJ Max. Later the school separated into lower and upper sec. Those lower sec people went to the quadrangle while the upper sec went to the hall. I guess that went we do the ACES. Yaa when me, Jun Yuan and Ze Ling do the Aces we anyhow do. Then we commend about the crazy guy in 3e4. After the dumb Aces the lower sec went to the hall for the teacher's day concert. First was the beat box from two dumb guys. They beatbox not bad so long if they don't speak. They go hey dude lets go... yea...check this out...peo..ple.. ;l Next was the band. They sang a song that they wrote and some other old song. Not bad luh but the electric guitar's amplifier is so loud that after they finish one song our ears like cannot hear very well. They rest of the show sucks, period.

After the concert we went back to class. There's "big breakfast" and " hotcakes" from MacDonald. I heard that someone need to borrow $140 from Sashi. Me and Ze Ling made it clear: Since Mr.Teng is away for reservice, it's natural that the co-form teacher comes celebrate, which is Wang Xiu Fang. If she comes we two straight away go home. Then suddenly she came in! We were like what the hell. Luckly she came in just to give out the CA2 performance slip. Heng -.- My results were above average: 76.5 for English, 60 for Maths, 52 for Chinese, 73.2 for Science, 63 for Geography, 60 for Art and 95 for Literature. ^_^V Yaa then I ask Ze Ling use clay style my hair. Not bad luh looked funny ~.~ Later Miss Ezikal (I think) came into our class for a farewell party. Those people with PSP just take out and play. Lol what the hell. I shared big breakfast with Jun Yuan. It's cold... :( After that drank a cup of green tea. After washing my hands I went to play Jun Yuan's PSP. Not like Jonas use his hands stained with maple syrup and play Jun Yuan's PSP and made it oily, that pissed him off alot. After playing I went to take pictures with Yung Jin, Gianna, Jeanett and some other people. Rivario go load songs from his PSP to the laptop and play it out loud. Me and Qi Jiang danced to "Crank That". So fun man :) Suddenly in class got big drama. Qi Jiang go hug Jeanette, then she hug back. Min Jee know about this she flare up and go to the toilet and cry. Then Qi Jiang hug her and don't let her go no matter how hard she resists. Then he keep explaining and kissing her. After 15 minutes everything resolved.

After school me, Xiu Ming, Jocelyn, Qi Jaing, Min Jee and Shermin went to Rivario's condo. I rather go his house that the suck-up Primary School of mine. Rivario's house damn nice and quiet. Got big tv, many art pieces and a piano. Later we want down play basketball. I so suck siak confirm no future in basketball. It was fun luh. Somewhere around 3.30p.m. Rivario wanted to go back to his school, Qi Jiang wanted to go Orchad watch movie and the rest wanted to go home. So we departed at thed bus stop. I took 171, a direct bus to Yishun. I kena car sick again... The ride was like 40 minutes. Some more I so dumb go play PSP and listen music. Had KFC for lunch and slept after that.

Happy Teacher's Day,
Monday, August 25, 2008 • 5:33 PM
Woke up as usual. It's so freaking cold in the Mrt and walking to school cause it rained ;l At class see people play PSP. Makes me jealous =( Wished that I have enough money to buy a memory card. Ahh morning assembly is such a bore didn't bother to sing the anthem and the dumb school song. First period was maths and Mr.Teng went through the probability homework. Next was PE. I was running so slow and he weather is so cold that I didn't even sweat -.- After that was two periods of geography. Boring as Miss Tamara keeps on blabbering ... During recess most people are studying for the Literature test. Then when Mr. Yong came in he said postpone the test to wednesday after school. The whole class were relieft as most of us are not prepared. Next was reading period. Mr.Yao in class suddenly said something so loud that we were so shocked. Lmao I was scared to death. Finally it was two periods of English. Naah more like two free periods for us :p The whole class talked and sang throughout the lesson.

At 12.10p.m. the whole school will be dismissed as the teachers got a lecturer session. Then me and Jun Yuan decided to Jalan but don't know go where. When outside gate we met Jing Kai, Yung Jin, Angie, Xiao Wei, Yi lin and asked where are they going. Some of them said that there are going to the Jurong Library and do D&T so me and Jun Yuan deside to follow them and do. We walked to the Mrt and waited for the train to arrive. Meanwhile the big mouth Yi Lin say that Jenette likes Jun Yuan then all make fun of him. We went to Juring East then change train toward Boon Lay. Second time there. Then at the Jurong Point me Jing Kai and Jun Yuan went to eat at MOS Burger while Yi Lin and the rest go library first. Me and Jing Kai had a teriyaki set while Jun Yuan ordered a fish burger. Jun Yuan show me "Soul Eater." Kinda cool. After eating we went to find Popular but just can't seem to find it. We went to the second and thrid story but cannot find. Then we go to basement and found it! Thhen Jun Yuan so childish see the marble floor so slippery he glided instead of walking. We tried to find the "Colour Paper" section but cannot find Popular too big x.x I walked until dizzy. Finally the sharped eyed Jing Kai saw it! Thank you pervet <3

Then Jing Kai called Yi Lin and ask them where are they. They at the third level so we took the long way and found them. Xiao Wen treated me and Jun Yuan cookies. Not bad luh. We started doing the presentation and did a draft of the actual thing. I got some good pointers from Yi Lin's group. Xiao Wen so bored and read a book. Then in-between the dumb Yi Lin and Angie go call Jeanette and forced Jun Yuan to say "Hi". The the two lamers go cooked up a story and pranked Jenett. Jun Yuan so hesitant and scared he broke a bird's heart. He warned the two to clear up eveything by tomorrow. So poor thing I bet he can't sleep at night. After eveything was done Only Yi Ling, me, Jun Yuan, Yung Jin and Angie went to Toy"serus". Nothing much but some dumb toys. Last time got alot more stuff now all like crap. After that me and Jun Yuan go to Prima Deli buy waffle. I tell him:" You not scared arh? Recently Prima Deli got food poisioning and closed down for six monthes." He replied:" Scared lah. Thats why you try first." He ordered two plain ones but the auntie took his two waffles and serve other people first. Then we wait damn long so we see girls. LOL much more then West Mall @.@ After buying we went home by train. Sian all the way to Yishun Siak so long.

Such a slacking monday,
Saturday, August 23, 2008 • 1:45 PM
Ciaossu! Today is league day! Woke up a 8a.m. and watched Hitman Reborn for awhile. Then I realised my white bowling tee was missing so I began searching around. You know where I found it? In a basin with water -.- My maid is washing it. I tell her to dry those clothes by 1h. When I wore it it's still wet but can't argue it's way better when being socked by my own shirt. I walked to Yishun SAFRA and say Kiharul, Min Yi and Gianna there. My don't feel like playing cause it bloody cold: a combination of air con + wet shirt. Im gonna be sick soon ~.~

We were playing beside CVSS. Lol they were the exact team I played last competition. When it was time for practice throw our lane jammed for like 5 minutes. Therefore Kiharul and Gianna is not used to their strike balls and keep missing their pins. Our lane is cursed o.O Yaa first game was not bad. 123 its warm up round. Second our while team played badly and I only got 105. WTH man. Third game not happy and I got 141. So my average is... 123? LOL highest in my team.

After that Min Yi's aunt long bang us to NorthPoint by hiring a cab. Lol I had to sit like a girl cause so squeezy. Had Long John Silver for lunch. We wanted to buy for ourselves but Min Yi's anut insists that she pay for eveything. Yaa after eating I bite on my straw. Then I taught Gianna how to make music with coke and straw. Soon everybody stated doing it. Before leaving Kiharul rang on the bell. Min Yi pulled on the string but no sound. Lmao we were laughing like mad. Dude your suppose to ring it side ways. After escorting them to the Mrt I walked back home. It was a fun day luh.

Hope tomorrow will be a fun day,

Friday, August 22, 2008 • 9:20 PM
Ciaossu! Yay its finally Friday! Waited for this day to come ~.~ Woke up as usual and took the MRT. Freaking cold that I can't sleep ._. When I enter class mood swing abit before going to the hall for the Sports Leader prize giving-whatever you call it. Damn lame stand there do nothing and clapped. First time standing at the stage with so many people looking though.

Yaa first two periods was literature and analyzed "The Sea" and "Singapore river". Cannot believe it I ACTUALLY got the correct stuff! Awesome Im getting the hang of it. (Finally) Next was Chinese lessons. Damn bored as usual. Ze Ling as if why my "girlfriend" (Wang Xiu Fang) don't have new clothings to where as she wore almost the same thing eveyday. I replied that recently got no night market. LOL! Wang Xiu Fang gave us a slip of paper and tell us to study on it. I ask her if is it testing us on ting xie. She suddenly flare up and say "Don't ask what Im testing on. Anything is possible." Retarted siak she didn't tell us what are we tested on and told us to study. Never mind luh I just chatted with Wei Ming, Ze Ling and Wayne. Then some joker from 2e5 pour water in Wang Xiu Fang's pencil box. Lmao lame shit. During recess watch Rivario they all play Monster Hunter. Shermin and Keyu treat me biscuit. Rivario do his daily routine with Xiu Ming again -.- DISGUSTING. Next was 3 periods of DnT. So fun siak played with the machine. Me and Jun Yuan A.K.A Kenny & Spenny co. finished our construction for the bridge. Now left only with the decoration. We and Riavrio's group keep fighting and keep insulting each other's bridge. LOL ;P Math was suckish as usual.

I went to CDans at around 2.p.m. Treated Yung Jin Lemon Barly as my mood very happy before playing a game and got 133. No bad luh.(I finally beat Jing Kai!) We wew suppose to start at 2.p.m. but some one infrom eveyone is at 3p.m. so when uncle Jimmy came very little people. Jing Kais told a joke about if Roy got wear Qi Qiu (condoms) or Sandra wear Mao Zi (Cap). For quite some time I laugh until I fall to the ground. Uncle Jimmy don't get the joke and ask Joshua to explain. I think he acting only luh. Training was bad as usual. My group aim was not striking while hitting the pockets and see who hold on to the full pin set he longest. When training was over I played one game with Roy, Jing Kai, Jia Ren, Yan Ying and Yiray. At first I played so badly that when it's the sixth frame I only got like...58? Then slowly behind I did a turkey and some spares till I get 127. HA! Caught up with Roy with 124. If I played nicely in the beginning I can OWN! Ya when the rest played their second game I chatted with Yung Jin and Gianna.

Suddenly it rained! Damn it had to take a bus to the Mrt. Waited so damn long. Yaa I said bye to Jing Kai and board my train. Then at Chua Chu Kang got 1 baby board the train. He cried so loud that I can't sleep and so long that until Yishun he still cries. Aiyo my head ringing ~.~ Reached home about 7p.m. Watched Lee Jia Way in her fight for bronze medal. As expected she lost 4-2. Haiz if she was more aggressive she might win. Yawn Im sooooo tried feel like sleeping. Needa wake up early for tomorrows league and Yishun SAFRA.

Hope I do good,
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 • 5:44 PM
Ciaossu! Today was a great day! I woke up at 5.30a.m. and left my house with my father at 5.50a.m. I had to reached school early because Im on duty for the TAF Club. It was so cold in the MRT nearly freeze to death. T.T And I saw a full moon! So beautiful. Back to the topic. I was in charge for the 3n-4t1 classes. So many people pon tang the run o.O The first two classes were Geography and we had a test on Singapore population. The test was ok... 100% passable. Next was PE. The whole class played captains ball with the 2n2. Some people don't even know how to play. Those know whom im talking about. Anyhow thunder the ball and pass to your opponents. ah never mind, in the end we won! The rest of the lessons were boring. Did exposition for english, slept 1h for science and had sex education for CME. After school I had to take a test on science as I was absent yesterday, I confirm have high marks as my peeps told me the question and how to answer them. When I walked home and took the lift, I met a granny with 2 grandsons. When one of them talked to me, I TOTALLY IGNORE! LOL Im soo soo bad ;P

Thats all see you guys tomorrow! Hope is full moon again.

I want a memory card,
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 • 7:08 PM














Damn what the hell -.- Overslept and be late for school for the first time. So late in fact that even I ran as fast as lightening I cannot make it before the gate closes. Sign I calculated the timing and decided to turn back from Sambawang MRT and back to my home. My mother questioned me alot ;l Then in the morning I played my PSP and watch Hitman Reborn the whole day. So damn freaking bored ;l Plus I skipped 3 tests: Art, English and Science AND my CCA. So tomorrow I have alot of test to take including Geography which I was supposed to bring back my book today. Ahhh so pissed off. Oh speaking of english, I got 34/50 for my comprehension. No bad siak I never cheat still go good.

Tomorrow I have to wake up at 5.a.m. and reached school by 6.30a.m. as it is my duty for the Taf Club members. Gonna be shivering ~.~

Hope that tomorrow will not be as bad as what I anticipated,
(Do Tag)
Sunday, August 17, 2008 • 8:51 PM
Naaooo ~.~ Never post for one whole week. What the buck. This year's Olympic is awesome! Many things happen.

-Weightlifting women 56kg event: China with 136ks (WR)
-Badminton women: China vs China finals
-Badminton men: Singapore got trashed 12-21, 12-21 by Malaysia second seed; China won gold.
-Swimming mens: M.Phelps, the only person in the history to win 8 gold medals in an Olympic game.
-Swimming women: S.rice the best free styler; Australia top in swimming event.
-Gymnastic women: China beats USA and Russia in vaults and floor and won gold.
-Table Tennis men: China won Korea for gold
-Table Tennis women: Singapore guaranteed a medal after 48 years and fighting for gold with china.
-Meraton(Don't know how to spell) women: Romania won gold for the first time in history

NOTE: Please correct me if anything its wrong or like to include other information via tagbox.

Yup that is all I know. China is first place following by USA following by Germany. After Olympic is F1 Grand Prix!

Congrats Singapore for winning a medal, and boo India with only 1 medal the entire game,
(Tag ^.^V )
Monday, August 11, 2008 • 6:23 PM

I was blur today ;l though today is 10 aug. When I realised it, It was 12 noon! I just anyhow dress and walk out of the house. I look like shit cause I didn't do anything to my hair ._. ANYWAAAAY, I reached Woodlands at around 12.40p.m. At the entrance of Causeway Point you know who I saw? No not BangBangTang, but CHARMAINE -.- WTF SIAK! I heard her loud voice and I though it was her, and really it IS her -.- I quickly ran away ;l

I met the gang at TimeZone and saw Yiray, Yung Jin and Khairul play the mini basketball. Soon I met up with Gianna, Jia Ren, Hilmi, Clarence, Min Yi and Amalina. The rest go play their games while I tag-team with Min Yi in Time Crisis III. Damn it my skills rusty lao but I managed to surpass my expectations ;x. I was wondering why we didn't go to Seoul Garden makan so I ask Gianna, she say need wait for them to call up. Then Jia Ren checked his phone and had 1 missed call. Damn blur siak -.- Everyone rushed down to the reception counter. Jia Ren so poor thing :( He lost his wallet what contain his EZ link card and $50+. After confirming our seats we split up: Me, Min Yi, Amalina, Khairul and Hilmi on one table and Jia Ren, Gianna, Clarence, Yung Jin and Yiray on another table beside us. While the rest went to take their Ice kachang and drinks, I realised that Jia ren and Clarence bought a CRUMPLER for Gianna! I was like wtf? Crumpler cost like $100 plus and Jia Ren and Clarence happily buy a green one for her. Not such a big surprise though, since those two likes Gianna. :)

I went to the meat section and I was surprised at the variety: Seafood, Teriyaki Chicken, Curry chicken, Black pepper beef, Prawns etc. I grabbed a handful of Teriyaki chicken, fishballs, Black pepper beef, Prawns, Mushroom and Bean sprout before returning to the table. I poured all those seafood and vegetables into the Tom Yum soup base and grill my meat. Halfway in the chaos, my chopstick dropped ;l I ask Amalina if there any spare chopstick behind the counter and she just look around and say "no". In the end, there are like... hundreds of wooden chopsticks. Me and Khairul keep cracking jokes. We always scale our mouth because of the food. Then suddenly Hilmi put his chicken in the soup and call me to eat. I say "Wait, I call my father first in case I don't live. Hello? Pa arh. I just call up to tell you that I may not be back home for today, tomorrow or the next day." After the act I ate the meat, TASTED HORRIBLE Xl. I keep refilling my meat and crab sticks. Min Yi is like a monster. She eats everything: beef, chicken, seafood, fruits, kimchi, Italy stuffs, all kinds of soup, ice kachang and even orange-juiced beef!

Finally it was desert time ~.~ Me and Hilmi went to the ice cream booth. Because it was Gianna's and Amalina's birthday, I decide to take ice cream for them. So after grinding my arm to scoop the ice creams, I gave them their share. I only ask them one favor: Feed me one bite. Amalina just give me. Then I ask Gianna she don't want. Then I fed up and don't talk to her. Finally she feed me infront of Jia Ren. OOH I think I made him cry ~.~ After eating, the people go mixed eveything and it looked disgusting >.<> I APOLOGIZE IF I LOOK LIKE CRAP CAUSE I DIDN'T STYLE MY HAIR ._.

As expected, Clarence started to smash cake into everyone. *Sign* Later we went to the arcade to take neoprints. We went to a sucking noob machine that ate our $5. After that me and Clarence went to play House Of The Dead 4 and I suck -.- Died at the 3rd stage. My skills really rusty lao. From them we went home. i had to go back alone cause I live in the North while the rest live in the South.

Once again, Happy birthday Amalina and Gianna,
Saturday, August 9, 2008 • 4:49 PM
After the school celebration, the gang, Rivario, Xiu Ming, Qi Jiang, Min Jee, Ze Ling, Jocelyn, Wan Ting, Ze Ling, Jun Yuan, Keyu and me went to take 188 all the way to Harbour Front bus interchange. Ze Ling alight and went home first to put his Boy's Brigade stuff before coming. When I step out of the bus, I felt giddy cause I have car sickness ._. The gang suggested we have breakfast at the hawker center. Most of then bought Nasi Lemak and sugar cane juice. Me and Jun Yuan went to buy fruit juice and Wan Ting help me buy Meepok. I really felt much better after eating and everyone was glad. Some pictures while eating:

The Ze Ling called up and say he missed the bus. So the Gang went to Harbor Front center and Jalan. First we went to the and change our pants. Then suddenly some idiot suggest we went to the baby changing room and take photo. The girls all sit on the bench and act like babies. Rivario flirt again with Xiu Ming and Jocelyn while Qi Jiang and MinJee went to a private room and take photos. Jun Yuan and Wayne got out and play MegaMan. Here are the photos:
As expected, we kena scolding. Like we care ;l Then we walk around and around. The suddenly Rivario hold Min Jee Hand, then Qi Jiang got close with Jocelyn, me and Keyu hold hand and walk with grand-ness, Wayne with Xiu Ming while Jun Yuan with Wan Ting. Don't know how we started it but we walked around the shopping center like that! Lol everyone is a couple =) After some time we decided to go to Vivo and wait for Ze Ling at the GV Max. We headed for the the playground. As expected Keyu, Wan Ting and Jocely went to play...No they SCREAM! All the small kids looking at them going mad. One parent tell them the playground only for 12 years old and below. The girls come back with glum faces. Aww :( Meanwhile The Qi Jiang Jun Yuan and Wayne went to take photos with "babies".One ang mor ask us if we need to take picture she take for us. So zi jie, 1 thing I like about ang mor is that they don't care. After that we tried to find our way to GV Max. Stupidly we followed Qi Jiang and walked one big round. i tell them its that way they don't listen. SHEESH >:( When we reach the cinema we founded Ze Ling! He dress until damn zai. After following Qi Jiang blindly again, we headed to the ticket machine to buy entrance cards for the monorail to Sentosa. You know who we saw? ST. HILDA -.- and all of them prepare to go Sentosa. The girls all not chio and the guys planned to play soccer. I wanted to challenge them and comfirm we. We got the 3 jokers, me and Jun Yuan. When Xiu Ming saw St. Hilda her face totally BLACK! After buying the cards we took the train to the beach station. I though the train would be fast but it is as slow as the LRT. Maybe even slower. ;l Wayne damn dumb. He cannot get out of the exit because he don't know how. Upon reaching, the guys went to change their clothes while I mohawk my hair. Then we took a picture:So zai ~.~ From the station we walk all the way to Siloso beach. Wayne, Rivario and Qi Jiang see girls until yan hua liao luan. All wear bikini...! Ahhhh ~.~ When one chio bu walked passed Rivario and me we both turn back and see. LOL we are perverts ;x When we reached our "perfect spot", WE GO PLAY! Rivario, Wayne, Qi Jiang went into the water, then Jocelyn, Wan Ting and Xiu Ming follow. Keyu and MinJee got dragged down. Ze Ling no spare clothes while Me and Jun Yuan don't know how to swim. Here are some shots:
Rivario and Wayne so evil, keep throwing sand. Me and Jun Yuan hair tio sand. So itchy siak. Later Jun Yuan and Ze Ling went to someplace and bouth cokes for the gang. We walked bass a mini bungee-like stuff, a basketball court and some vollyball nets. After spending like... $22, we walked back. Lol I was looking at some girls and followed them. Ze Ling and Jun Yuan say I attracted. LOL! Went back and eveyone snatched my coke zero -.- Someone suggested we bury people in the sand, so eveyone bury Rivario. We made his dick damn huge and big boobs. Next was Xiu Ming. However we could not do anything to her as she always move and destroy the sand. Later Keyu volunteered. Rivario straight away go make the dick and sit on it, make big boobs for her too. Here are some videos and pictures:
Had soooo much fun. In the end, Rivario, Qi Jiang, Wayne, Wan Ting, Keyu, Xiu Ming, Jocelyn and Min Jee went to bath cause they smell while me, Ze Ling and Jun Yuan take care of our belongings. Damn Jun Yuan and Ze Ling when I was away climbing tree they go bury my slippers -.- After eveyone gathered we had crackers =) Later we walked to the Lunge (I think). It's about going very high up and take a mini car and go all the way down. Heard it was fun but me and Jun Yuan decided to go 7-11 buy drinks for them. So we searched around the area but cannot find. So we randomly walk and walk walk... Halfway we saw a running dog and I managed to take a picture of it!I so pro ^^ After randomly walking for 10 minutes, so far that Qi Jiang and Min Jee don't want follow us, we reached somewhere we didn't expected: PAWALAN BEACH! And we finally found 7-11! Jun Yuan and me buy slurpie while we bought SUPER GLUP for the gang. After coming out of the store we saw a big cage full of birds and we went to check it out. Jun Yuan go disturb the birds. Lmao so evil. Next to the cage was a monkey. I hate monkeys so we heck care. Since we lasy take the normal routh back to the "Lunge", we take a short cut by walking under the car park. Cracked alot of jokes about the blow dryer and the doorless room, we finally headed back. I took a big bite of the slurpie and my teeth were like... NUMB! Jun Yuan try and he say his teeth broke don't talk to him. Min Jee tried and keep squeezing Qi Jiang and complain "cold". After everyone came back from the Lunge we headed back to the beach station and head back to Vivo city. Wayne was very happy when he successfully exited the exit. Dumb shit -.- From there we split up: Rivario, Xiu Ming, Ze Ling and Wan Ting take taxi, Min Jee, Qi Jiang, Jocelyn, Keyu and Jun Yuan went to take bus while I solo the MRT. I hand to stand all the way cause the train so packed ._. Reached home about 5.30p.m. and my feet are soooo sore ~.~

Next day I meet Qi Jiang in Yishun cause he working at M1. He so ind treat me Lemon Tea.I printed the photos at Harvy Norman Photo center. Damn I paid $37 for 120+ photos. Later I meet Qi Jiang at the Singapore pools and gave him the photos that he paid for. He damn joker: He sit down with me and give out flyers. Damn zai ~.~ He complain that he got sunburn on his nose. Poor thing :( After puting all the photos in my album, I went home and he went back to his shop.

Well... These 2 days are really fun. Thanked god I didn't go to the stupid KBox trip. Next time the gang might go to East Coast Park!

I love my gang,