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CIAOSSU! I'm Wong Yong Chow.
School: Swiss Cottage Secondary School
Birth Date: 27th January 1994
=-=-=-=-=-=-=[THINGS I LIKE:]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[I♥Arsenal F.C]
[I♥Sour stuffs]
[I♥Japanese cartoon/Anime]
=-=-=-=-=-=-=[THINGS I DISLIKE:]=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[Strong Mints]
[Spending Stupid Money]
[Manchester United]
[I Hate You Eugene Kooh ^^]
=-=-=-=-[THINGS I FUCKING HATE:]-=-=-=-=-=

Wishlist .
-Sky Blue/Blood Red contact lenses
-Stylish Sunglasses
-Life time supply of straws
-Dictionary on Japanese -Nice clothing (Size M for shirt, Size S for pants)
-Go for teeth whitening
-Levi's Jeans
(And many many more!)
Shout Corner .
links and credits .

[LoyPuiSoon] [LingYingLi] [XinZhen] [YongYi] [MsJodeeYap] [Victor] [Angie] [Gianna] [ChangFeng] [YingDa] [WanTing] [Geraldine] [LiXian] [XiuMin] [KeYu] [ClarenceTan] [Amalina] [Sandra] [Rebecca] [Jocelyn] [JiaJun] [YiLin] [2e3'08] [Hilda] [ShaoYi] [Bryan] [YungJin]

April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008August 2008September 2008October 2008November 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008 • 11:41 PM
Ok today really REALLY sucks.

Know what? I lost my wallet again. Well, not really lost. It was stolen.

What's worst is that my wallet contains $40, my Ezlink card, my Spade membership and $10 voucher, 2 tickets for Quantum Of Solace and *most important* my mum's credit card!

*Ezlink- $19(remake) + $5(top up)= $24
*2 movie tickets- Thank god I remembered our seating and managed to persuade the staff to let us in.
*My mum's Citi M1 Platinum Premium credit card- My mum had to terminate it and was very very angry >.<

Beside this fucking incident, It was really a bad day. When we want to watch the bond movie, it has only 1 slot : 9.15pm. Lost my wallet. Lost $40. Got a sore thumb from unprotected bowling. Came home late. Mum's pissed. Loan Sharks pour paint at my neighbour's house and that FUCKING OLD GRANDMA AND THAT SON OF THE BITCH KEEP SHOUTING WHEN I WAS BATHING.


Geez pissed,
Turtle >;(
(_l_ fuck you all bastards who ruin my day.)
Thursday, November 20, 2008 • 10:26 PM
Sign... I really envy some people. They got a lot of neighbors and friends. Me? My neighbors are all freaking losers and my only friends are from either Swiss Cottage or Pei Chun. Pity right? =( Holiday it's just me, my PSP, TV or computer. Feel like everyday go out but my empty wallet don't let me to do so. Even if I can go out with would be couple of the usual people I hang out with. I can't even find a partner to play badminton with. I lived too far away from others. T-T Since I will be very bored in the holidays I figure I should do something useful. So I decided to have a job. I did find one eventually =) My god father hired me for a month, starting December. So yah... I matured abit :)

Go Go Power Ranger,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 • 11:41 PM
Hm... When I was taking my afternoon nap today, I suddenly thought of the needs for secondary 3.
I keep thinking and thinking of what I need and what I should do. Now I shall identify the problems and solutions.

1) Problem: Sec 3 need do pull ups and no longer incline pull ups.

-Solution: Do 100 or more push ups a day. So by the time NAFA arrives I will be doing like... 100 X 148 = 14800 push ups minimum. Now If that ain't enough I don't know what to say ;l

2) Problem: My classroom will be located further away.

-Solution: Come to school earlier in order to have time to climb more flight of stairs.

3) 100% I will have cash flow problems.

-Solution: During recess I will bring my own food. More nutritious, tastier and practically free. I could save urm... $2 a day? But hey I will not cross the line: I ain't going for a diet, I am just trying to save money. If it is going to be a long day, lunch is a must. So yah I know what I am doing.

4) Most of the time I will have to stay back for extra lessons, CCAs or some other crap. It will be a toll on my health and free time.

-Solution: Health to me is very important. Health is taking care of your skin, your intake needs and rest. Now for skin I will use Clean&Clear to wipe off the oil from my face and use a face cream to clean off impurities. Meanwhile I can take some mouth wash. For intake needs, I will be having food that can last me till dinner. Foods like potato, rice, noodles, anything carbohydrate. In class I could chew on some sweets to keep me going. (I make sure I won't be found out) Lastly, I will rest when I have time: While waiting for the damn teacher I will rest. While waiting for others to finish their classwork I will rest.

Now I am not sure if all of these will work out so... cross my fingers.

Im coming Sec 3,
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 • 11:47 PM
Ah... I knew I had forgotten something. Thanks Jocelyn for "reminding me".

On Xiu Ming's birthday we took some photos. I didn't put them here ._.

I'M SINNED#$%^ Never mind I shall make it up now.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Woodland MacDonald-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=

(Birthday cake: Black Forest)

(Posing #1) (Posing #2)
[Boy (more like ninja) meets Girl]
(The Wind Blows)
(Cutting Cake: The nicest picture in my opinion ^^)(Totally Random Guy)
• 12:39 AM
Ok... I think I have a serious problem.

My chat box seems dead.

I don't think most of the people I knew bother to come to my blog.

Not because I didn't post anything

Just that nobody cares.

Well you don't care about my blog, I will.

Time to get some viewership man!
Sunday, November 16, 2008 • 12:12 AM
Today is the day which is very troublesome. Had to remake my Ezlink cause I've lost it >.> I was happily eating my chicken rice when suddenly Qi Jiang called. Say want meet him at Admiralty MRT talk talk. I say give me 40 minutes, but he said he is starting work at 3p.m. which is 1h 15 minutes away.

I choing through my chicken rice (didn't enjoy it T-T), go bath (anyhow scrub), blow dry my hair (no time to wax), pack my PSP, hand phone, wallet with cash, uniform and tie into my bag and rushed out of the house while drinking my fruit juice. Had to pay for my own trip as I have no Ezlink yet =( Then at the MRT I keep thinking I had forgotten something. Then I realised I didn't bring the copy of my birth cert! GAAAAAH @#$%^ When I reached I didn't see Qi Jiang so I went to collect my $1 deposit. I sat at a wall and waited for him. Suddenly he appeared. Really don't look like him! His hair is wet, wearing glasses and wearing football tee. Then he told me he had a tournament in street soccer. We went to MacDonald and had a little chat. Talked about Rivario and work. Then he help me wax my hair. Thanks bud.

Not long after his boss called saying his here to fetch him. We parted and I went to take passport size photos. Waited a bloody long 30 minutes and paid $8 for half a size of A4 paper. Seesh what a rip off. I took the train back to Yishun to collect my birth cert. Then I went to Ang Mo Kio to make my Ezlink. Need sign a lot of signatures, like a boss ^^ But seriously, $19 is abit over the top yah. Well, my new card has a nicer picture and a shiner look. Went home and slept.

Boring holiday,
Friday, November 14, 2008 • 8:40 PM
Suddenly Im freaking pissed with everything that happened this year. Im gonna list them out and make you people feel like bastards.

1) Chang Feng:
-When lim bei is ordering photo, you don't snatch them away from me and say I got attitude problem.
-You ain't my fucking boss, your just 1 year older then me.
-Your such an extra, seriously. You barged into our class outing without our permission. You "took charge" of the bbq and fucking pissed me off.
-Don't think your damn mature. Truth is: your still a fucking kid. Think your jokes very funny when people "laughed" at it? No they just go along with you stupid.

2) Eugene Kooh:
-You don't go around and find trouble. Im kind enough not to bash your face on several occasion.
-There is no such rule as " you hit me first so I hit you back." Even if there's such a rule, you apply them to yourself asshole.
-Don't be a fucking extra and try to hang out with people whom don't want you around.
-NO means NO!
-Those people that talked to you got nothing better to you so... don't think they change their opinion on you.
-For god sake: SHARE! You don't own everything you know?
-Get the difference between playing and getting serious.

3) Wang Xin: (Not to a deep extend, just pointing out)
-You don't go around making fun of people's appearance. So what if I've got a tail. Does that mean im naughty?
-You don't go around and say what you feel like saying. Think you say a person's really weird makes it funny?
-You don't order around people like you own them. Treat them like a friend, not a "lower class" dog. See Xiao Wen, does she ever ordered us around? She ask the class with respect.

4) Wang Xiu Fang: (FUCK YOU BITCH)
-You are stupid. You only know Chinese and that's it.
-Don't you dare make fun of your class by saying we should go to normal technical. Firstly, your saying that NT students are stupid. Mind you that they know BOTH English AND Malay. 2:1 so fuck off.
-Don't brag that you have taught in an International School for 10 years and you met all kinds of people. You can't even tell the difference between truth and lie.
-Get some new clothes you only have a handful of them to wear.
-Want to call my parents arh? No problem! You will be calling your own doom cause they wanted to complain about you.
(I've alot of things to say but I can't list them out. Be thankful)

Those on top are some of the people that pisses me off the most. Now you are wonder why Rivario Savio, Wee Woon Wayne, Zhong Qi Jiang, Lim Jun Yuan, Roy How Yi Shen and Foo Ze Ling ain't stated in my "most pissed-off" list. Well, I know that whatever they are saying is just a joke. They don't mean it and Im serious. "The best jokes are the ones that are the truth."

Peach Out,
Turtle ^^
• 12:48 AM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 • 12:14 AM
It was her birthday dated on 10th November. Me, Ze Ling, Shermin, Jocelyn, Min Jee, Qi Jiang, Rivario and Keyu decided to celebrate Xiu Ming's birthday with her. We were suppose to meet at Marsiling MRT station at 12.30p.m. I arrived 10 minutes later and im surprised that im the first to arrived. Then I loiter around then suddenly see the girls there. Then Ze Ling arrived. We two play PSP while waiting for Qi Jiang and Rivario. Stupid Keyu go spray the snow-like stuff around me and my hair and PSP got ruin. Then I told her to spray more on my hair so it does not look like dandruff. o.O We wait and wait... until 1.30p.m. the two guys still never appeared. I ask Shermin why so long. She said Rivario by right should be around Kranji but he forgot the PRESENT -.- He had to go back home, take the present, take taxi to the MRT and meet at Woodlands. Then I ask about Qi Jiang. She say he at CITY HALL -.-" Finally at 2p.m. we decided to go to Cause Way Point where Xiu Ming is meeting us. While backing my bag, Min Jee dropped my PSP ON THE CONCEIT FLOOR!>:() ! @#$%^&* When we went up to the platform we saw Rivario~ His face like tio sunburn or something.

At Causeway Point we saw Xiu Ming the Birthday girl! She looks beautiful ^^ Yaah then I gave her my present contributed by me, Ze Ling and Jun Yuan. Then we go to MacDonald to take our lunch while waiting for Qi Jiang. We took some pictures and keep koping the chocolate on the cake. Then, trouble emerged ;l We don't have a lighter to light up the candles. Keyu asked the staff if they have a fire starter but she say no with a guai lan face. Then the girls decided to try and find a lighter. Meanwhile me and Ze Ling play PSP. After sometime the girls came back. They found a shop they sells lighters at $1.30 Rivario sponsor of course. Finally Qi Jiang arrived. Ze Ling ask him if Singapore very big cause it took him so long to arrive here. I joined in and said " City Hall got 4 trains nia~" LOL lame ^^ We light the candles and sing the "Happy Birthday" Song. Everyone looking at us ^-^V Cut cake time! Rivario anyhow cut, uneven :x Cake from Begawa-whatever sucks. There's too much cream on the black forest cake and the blueberry looks like something I rather not say.

After eating the cake, Rivario LEFT! I was like wtf? I ask Shermin why he going so fast. She said he go out with his friends to play basketball _l_ -_-" _l_ Then the rest of the people go arcade play. I play my gun games until arm ache >.<>

Happy Joyous Occasion Xiu Ming,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 • 11:09 PM
Phew ~ Took 1 month break from blogging. Im back <3>

Alot of things happened during these few days.

Had CIP at Chua Chua Kang Community center for Halloween on 31th October. Had alot of fun. Just that I flost my freaking wallet... My EZ link and 15 $2 notes ($30) flew away T-T.

Today I went to Bugis with Jun Yuan. Bought alot of clothes. From Spade and FreshBox (Just beside Sex Life: Entry only to 23 and above). I also bought a wallet from The Wallet Shop and a HeadPhone. Spend $250 o.O

Tomorrow Having BBQ!