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CIAOSSU! I'm Wong Yong Chow.
School: Swiss Cottage Secondary School
Birth Date: 27th January 1994
=-=-=-=-=-=-=[THINGS I LIKE:]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[I♥Arsenal F.C]
[I♥Sour stuffs]
[I♥Japanese cartoon/Anime]
=-=-=-=-=-=-=[THINGS I DISLIKE:]=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[Strong Mints]
[Spending Stupid Money]
[Manchester United]
[I Hate You Eugene Kooh ^^]
=-=-=-=-[THINGS I FUCKING HATE:]-=-=-=-=-=

Wishlist .
-Sky Blue/Blood Red contact lenses
-Stylish Sunglasses
-Life time supply of straws
-Dictionary on Japanese -Nice clothing (Size M for shirt, Size S for pants)
-Go for teeth whitening
-Levi's Jeans
(And many many more!)
Shout Corner .
links and credits .

[LoyPuiSoon] [LingYingLi] [XinZhen] [YongYi] [MsJodeeYap] [Victor] [Angie] [Gianna] [ChangFeng] [YingDa] [WanTing] [Geraldine] [LiXian] [XiuMin] [KeYu] [ClarenceTan] [Amalina] [Sandra] [Rebecca] [Jocelyn] [JiaJun] [YiLin] [2e3'08] [Hilda] [ShaoYi] [Bryan] [YungJin]

April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008August 2008September 2008October 2008November 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008 • 11:32 PM
Weee! Back from my sec 2 camp. Felt so shoik when I reach home. The first thing I did when I was release from the camp veneu was to go to Bukit Panjang to eat MOS Teriyaki Chicken burger. Then I was to this HUGE toilet to wash my hands. You can actually do a shooting of breaking dancing there. Its that big. Later I blanja Jun Yuan Macdolnnald's Vanilla Ice cream. He the escort me to the Senja LRT. On the way we talked about gangs, starbuck's promotional ice cream and John Lim's big dick. The bloody weather was so hot that the ice cream melted almost at light speed. It was my first time sitting on a LRT and let me tell you this: It's freaking damn slow. I think a bus is faster ;l I alight at Chua Chu Kang and switch to the MRT. Then I just went back home at Yishun. I went home, bath, look at my nephew and then sleep from 2.30p.m. to 8p.m. I woke up and found a box of hawaian pizza and ate it for dinner. Now Im typing my blog. Im gonna write an account of what happen during these four days.

Day One

I went to school at 7.30 a.m. Then wait and wait and wait and wait... till 9.30. Then the school did the most stupidest thing. We have to hike all the way to the camp site. YES HIKE! NO SHUTTER BUS AND WITH OUR HARVER SACKS. Even my instructor, Gwen Leong, found it wierd as we were the first school to walk all the way there. When we reached the camp site, MOE Dairy Farm Adventure Centre, the place was very run down and green due to the fact that the camp site were alocated beside or in the forest. There were a total of 17 groups, all randomly filled out. My group is group 10, one of the quietest, non-entu and guai lan groups of all. Only me, Wanting and Shermin is from 2e3. There were 12 domes: 1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 6a and 6b. 1 to 3 is the boy's dome. 4 to 6 is the girls dome. My dome is 2b. It was double story. Group 10 to 13 shared this dome. I realised only Joshua and Wei Ming is sleeping with me.
Group 10's first activity was team grouping: Getting a name, make a banner etc. We made one and it looking like shit, not that I care. Next we have lunch. I met the most guai lan people of all time. Some fat ass from 2e5 is sitting infront of me. I tell him move in so that these 2 girls can sit next to each other, You know what he say? "Why must I move in? They can sit somehwere right? Why must they sit together? Chee Bye." I was like... What the fuck? I admit that 2e5 sucks but I dunno is that they suck till this standard. I really pity them badly. What we had for lunch is white rice, pineapple, watermelon and long beans. It tasted ... like camp food. Then this guai lan from before keeps whineing to his pal, Joshua Chow, another sucker from 2e5 about how the food sucks. He say: Army food tasted better; I rather starve than eat this; I rather had full breakfast and dinner than this lunch; Shit I should have brought my banana; I want go home. His face is like fat face with droppy eyes with a heck-care attitude. I overheared what he whine about. Me and Wanting keeping making fun about the banana part. Then after lunch we went to the high elements course. I tried out the leap of fate, rock wall, abselling (however you spell it) and challenge rope BUT the flying fox. There is just too many people. Damn >.<>

So tired
Saturday, May 24, 2008 • 12:21 PM
Damn. My entire right arm hurts. My thumb, middle and forth finger hurts due to bowling. My arm ach when Rivaro punch it with full force a few times and carry my bowling equipment from Cdans all the way to Bukit Gombak MRT. Plus, my feet hurt due to the pressure of bowling, carrying and standing in the MRT. It didn't hurt much on friday but today when I wake up, OWWW!

Just something extra. Today my maid have black face so noone dare ask her do things. LOL

Holiday's are here
Friday, May 23, 2008 • 6:47 PM
Here's a poem dedicated to my english teacher, Miss Jodee Yap Yi Ping (I think), who officially left us today. (Friday 23th 2008) As I said in my pervious post, I will construct a goodbye poem to her ONLY. No share for the other "bye bye" teachers. Bias? Naaah :)
Miss Yap, this one's for you:

Good lord jodee your leaving us today :(,
O'cause your going somewhere very very far away.
Overcomed by sadness we all cry for you,
Don't ever take us as a stupid idiot fool.
Because you know and we know that,
Your something much special than a fury cat.
Ever so caring and kind and sweet and pretty and funny and charismatic.

Juvenile court will bow to your supremercy,
Orlando Jordan would not wrestle in WWE.
During the wonderful times you are teaching me,
Everlasting friendship will be bounded in between.
Eh listen, farewell and may god bless you.

Love it? Hope you enjoy it.
Bye Bye Miss Jodee Yap Yi Ping
Thursday, May 22, 2008 • 2:45 PM
Hm... today's a little mixed up of suck and fun. Heres the fun part. During Mr.Teng's lesson, the class when to the resource room 1 to watch 2 shows: Something about basketball and the other is "death silence". It's about someone giving a guy a wooden puppet that is very scary looking. Here's a poem in the story:

"Beware the stare of Mary shaw,
She has no children, only dolls.
If you see her in your dreams,
Remember never, ever to scream."

Creepy? Ewww ;o And when the girls are watching one part of the horror movie, I crept behind them and "AHHHHH". ROLF jocelyn was freaking out. Shermin... abit. Know what is scarier? Keyu letting down her hair. She looked like those female ghost you see in movies under dim lights.

Now here's the suck part. Some of the guys were planning to play soccer after school, then suddenly it rain heavily. All of us were like "aww". That sucks.
Another thing is, after I got home, I made myself a cup noodle and placed it one my computer table near the window. I then go to the kitchen to get myself a cup of ice coke. Out of the blues, I heard a "piang sound"! I quickly ran out and saw that my noodles had spilled over the table and broke the cemeric plate along with it. It spilled over the coffee table. My handphone was a little wet but never mind, I just let the fan blow it dry. My laptop suffered minor injuring from flying noodles and my "Life!" newspaper was fatally injured. Drenched from top to bottom, with piles of yellow MSG noodles on it. Damn it ;l I had to clean up eveything. Now no lunch for me T_T

Yea one more thing. Miss Jodee Yap will be officially leaving Swiss Cottage Secondary School on Friday 23th 2008, which is tomorrow. Hm... the girls asked me if I wanted to attend her farewell party but I had to pay $8 for it. I don't think is worth it so I just go home. That seems bad huh...
Nevermind I shall do what I do best: Write her a goodbye poem. See the post tomorrow! I won't guranteed it will be great but I will assure you the poem will be related to her and it will make sense. If you have any suggestions, feel free to drop some at the "Tag Box".

Have a hot thursday
Sunday, May 18, 2008 • 11:07 AM
Wow. I have not been updating my blog for almost a week now. Wanna know why? My sister just gave birth on Friday 16 12.16p.m. His name is Jaden Ong, weighing 2.26kg and had opened his eyes on Saturday 17 . Actually, I have Sports Leader rock climbing and Bowling CCA on the day my sister is gonna give birth, but my father say I could "pwn" those and go to the Hospital. I was like" Yea man no school till Tuesday." Having a baby is a hassle. On Wednesday and Thursday, My brother-in-law, his friends, my mum's friends, my dad and me had to help clear my sister's room for new furnitures like Kiddy Palace's Baby Cot, a Queen size bed, new cupboard and a dressing table. We had to take the old furniture to the carpark and had it transported. So we dismantle the bed and other stuff. There were so many stuff, I had to solo transport the single size bed all the way to the carpark. Man the bed was so heavy. The next day my arm ached. That's not all. I had to fix the Baby Cot by myself and transport the old table outside to allow the new one in. Now currently the old table is being used for my computer desk, which is much bigger that the old one ^^ Then I have to get rid of my old computer, printer and keyboard to the dump, by myself again. While clearing, I saw a KACUA! I was like freaking pissed. I go to the kitchen, bring my BYGON and massed spray that damn brown piece of flying shit. It crawled into... my vcd player and died. Ewww I haven told anyone about it yet. At Saturday night, I actually got the chance to be the first person to sleep on the new bed! Woooohoo. (I regret it) the bed was bumpy and WHITE and I woke up at 9.30a.m. today. I used to wake up at 12p.m. Now Im just relaxing for the last day before my nephew comes out. Im sure that would be hell. He would cry the whole night till I can't sleep and don't feel like going to shcool.

Last day be fore hell

Monday, May 12, 2008 • 9:16 PM
This is gonna be the most boring day of my life. Oral exam sucks. When I am reading the chinese passage, I kena hickups -.- Then have to go out drink water and retake. Stupid I was like a laughing stock. When waiting for the english oral I was so bored I started singing. Then edison call me diam. _l_ 12.30p.m. go home work out, then bath, eat lunch, play abit of PSP and sleep. Then wake up, eat dinner, watch "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?", watch smosh and now updating my blog. -.- This is like the worst entry I ever made.

I hope the holidays won't suck like this

Sunday, May 11, 2008 • 7:52 PM
Haiz. My sister gonna give birth this friday. Now I have to do alot of things. Clear all her soft toys, dismantle her bed and cupboard for new ones, buy baby stuffs and help paint her room. Damn lei chei ;l

That's not all. My friend's birthday party is around the corner, but I pok kai lao due to buying a present. I went to Central Point (Somerset) just to buy it. I even went to the trouble to rap it in a nice red box with a golden ribbon. Im seriously broke :(

Not over yet, this is the worst one. Rivario is damn damn mad. He got chased out with Wayne in Kbox for nothing. By who? My own classmate -.- They also never do anything. Just quietly sit one corner and play PSP. Then Victor, Angie and YiLing chased them out of Kbox. I don't know what's their damn problem but im sure what they did is not fair. Rivario and Wayne just cheer for them while they sing then not happy with them. Seesh Rivario was so mad he stomped out of the room without taking his PSP casing. Those wanted them to stay also never say anything. What the prefects do? Say bo bian let them leave or got no mood to sing. KANINA _l_ Some friends you guys are. Now i seriously thing 2e3 only got a handful bunch of people worth making friends with. Those chased people out for their own sake is SHIT. YES! SHIT! On behalf of Rivario :" You guys simpily suck." Think about it assholes.

That's all.

Cheer up Rivario and Wayne. Not your fault don't be angry.

Turtle ^^
Wednesday, May 7, 2008 • 10:40 AM
[MONDAY 5TH MAY 2008] lol alot of this happen on monday.

Today is History test paper. My friend, Jun yuan placed his finished paper under the desk. Then he realised he forgot to put back his HISTORY WORKBOOK in his bag. Lmao then he so scard when the teacher-in-charge collect his paper. Then when the teacher left everyone laugh like siao. Say he lucky never kena caught. Just then Mr Teng came in. Jun yuan thought he heard everything. He then throw the book FAR away ( actually to me ) then act innocent.

Hoho he pulled off a stunt very little people could. Bless him o.O
4 more papers to go. BYE

Turtle ^^
Tuesday, May 6, 2008 • 4:46 PM
[MONDAY 5TH 2008]

I would like to dedicate this following poem to my ex-primary school classmate, Tiffany Poh May Ting. I would like to wish her a happy 14th birthday marked 5th May 1994 and may both God and Jesus bless you.

Hey you, I know Im in the wrong
About the fact that I forgotten your brithday
Please forgive me my dear
Please just give me one more chance
You're be certain I'll be there

Because do you know
I kinda like you
Ready to know why Im saying this to you?
This's kind about being a day or so
How much Im willing to spent on saying this to you
Don't ignore me princess here me out
Ah nevertheless another year is gone
Your turning forteen

Turn around
I've got a surprise for you
Feeling anxious?
Fred not my friend im here
And just one more thing I have to say to you
No it's not a lie
Your beautiful forever

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIFFANY! I tried my best ;l Hope your love it

• 4:24 PM

Yah lah yah lah I know i got alot of problems. But is not that I want it, its my parent genetically passed it down to me. Here are some stuff ranging from most annoying to least annoying.

1) SWEATY PALMS. I hate this alot. So does my friends. When they lend me PSP, the condition is that I must wear glove cause they say my hand smelly -.- I agree abit lah. Especially during exams writing alot is a hazard. Because of my palm, I have to hold on tot he pen harder, thus increasing the pressure on my right hand. Now my hand got alot of writing marks. By the way, Rivario my hand is not smelly and Wayne, you make me angry I let you shake my hand =) This annoying hand is passed down from my mother o.O

2) IM SHORT. Im 155cm -.- I think this is enough to summarise the whole thing. Passed down from both my parents. However, my sister's worst : She only 146 cm and she's 18 years only ^^

3) IM F...PLUM! I might look fat but im not. Im just a little over 47kg. Never once in TAF club. (Eat that Eugene). I can run faster, longer than most skinner persons and I can do more push ups than some skinner peope. I can't look fit easily cause I got my father's genes. He go a damn big hump on both arms but got beer belly o.O Genetic problem again :(

4) OILY SKIN. Now this is what i hate. Beacuse of this I lost to a fat guy in cross country. My nose is so oily my spects fell off 3 times -.- Plus everyday around after 11a.m. my skin start producing alot of oil. So much in fact that it takes one whole oil filter to clear it. The oil makes my face look black and dirty which I hate -.- Maybe this is the reason why my pimples won't go off easily ;l Passed down from my father. seesh

5) BIG UNDER LIPS. Erm... I don't know this is a good thing or a bad thing cause they say people with this is a good kisser. O.o Geneticially passed down from my father.

There all 5 problems asked and answered. So please don't say I look odd. Its geneticially passed down to me.

Wish you all the best at what ever you do

Turtle ^^

FIGHT ON: 3.34P.M.
(Suppose to be this time)
• 4:19 PM
Oh my gosh Im sooooooooooooo sorry. My brother-in-law kena bike accident then he never work so whole day he hog the comp watching bermuda triangle and ufo so I got no time to post yesterday's stuff. Im soooooooooo sorry T_T I was suppose to do something in my blog for a friend's birthday but now she angry. Awww =( So petty. Nevermind I continue with yesterday's stuff then today's stuff.

So Damn Sorry

Turtle ^^
Friday, May 2, 2008 • 11:42 PM
Today is Art Paper, 2 hours and end at 9.45a.m. Me, Jun Yuan, Ze Ling, Rivario and Wayne go the bus stop wait for bus 945 to Bukit Batok Interchange Station. Why? Go Macdolnald play PSP. Actually I want play at void deck but Rivario don't want so bo bian. When we entered the bus, it's so squeezy cause got alot of people. The bus driver call the people move in but all heck care. After the 3rd bus stop, things go alot better cause beside is Gombak MRT. I from entrance move all the way behind, sit down and listen to media player. Then on the way I had a flashback. I remembered during the open house I board bus 945, but towards the other way. So I from Gomback Mrt travel all the way to Bukit Batok Interchange. Damn swaay.

So when we reached macdolnald, got no seats on first level so we went up to the second story. But there go renovation for the toilet so abit dusty. Bo bian lao so we sit there. Then everyone except Jun Yun bought Big Breakfast. He go buy Mac Muffin with egg. Wayne like scienctise. He put tomato sause on his saussage, jam on his buns and dipped the harshbrown in tomato sause. Rivaro call him give him some and keep koping his ketchup. Wayne not happy and splash some on his pants. We laugh like siao. I felt the egg got no taste so i dip some in wayne's ketchup. Some dropped off but I heck care. Then Wayne not happy again then throw the egg at me. My pants, hand and watch kena. Ze Ling was drinking milo then. He spit some out and Jun Yuan kena abit. Then I not happy. I pour salt on his jam. Then Wayne joker, say the salt neutralize the sweetness of the jam and he loves it. I was like what the hell. Then we play PSP. From 10.30am to 1.30pm. People started eating lunch but we still have the breakfast set on the table.

1.30pm we all zhao. I take MRT the rest take bus... all pang sei me.
But fun lah :) Tag me
Thursday, May 1, 2008 • 10:36 PM
I'll come straigth to the point. The world sucks. The world is selfish. Happiness is just a cover up for this. You can run, but you can't hide. You say im leading a good life. Really? Try it in a jail. You can do stuff on the spot, but you can't keep it. My damn father is the jail keeper. His conditions are always standard. My results has to be high before I can have what I want. However, the cost is limited to $400. Yea he bought me a Ps1, Ps2, Sga, Psp, Gameboy and gameboy advance, its because I EARN it, not because his being kind. If my mouth were shut, he would'nt even bother to ask what I want. Im different from you guys. My father, the jail keeper wants me to :

1) Come back home STRAIGHT after school. 2) No going out with friends unless got permission. 3) No games until weekend. 4) Handphone bill not more than $40. (Contract is $30)
5) Study after 1h of coming back home. 6) Study after Dinner till 8.30 or 9. 7) Sleep no later than 11 pm.

Crap this _l_ I mean it. Today I tried to claim back what's duely mine. I said to him straight in the face in chinese :" I want to keep my stuff." He said NO. Then I reason with him :" Im like the only one in my class who's like a jailbird. No computer no internet no nothing. You buy for me Psp then you keep then buy for what? I tell you in few monthes time I want to do things my way. Im 14, how long your gonna control me? Give me back my stuff, my freedom. You can give me whatever I want, but what is the point when I cannot keep it?" Then I slammed the door and go bursh my teeth and stare fiercely at the mirror. Man I keep this feeling for years. I hope he will let loose and allow me some self-freedom.

Moodswinging don't pissed me off.
• 7:11 PM
What the hell. Today is like 40 degrees in Singapore. Yesterday I can't go to sleep without the aircorn. I wanted to on but I try to tahan. I ren until my back is sweating. ZzZ... Then wake up first thing is BATH. Never on heater. One of the rare suffs I do cause I scard of cold... :( I then sat on the armchair, thinking what to do today. I stare at the white wall with a painting of a horse and think... think... think... for like... 15 minutes? Heres on my list : 1) Do art. 2) Eat pizza hut :o 3) Drink bak ku tei 4) Choing psp.

... I feel so hot I wanna go bath again. Post tomorrow if got interesting things happen.
Tag me :)